Delex Pharma, as a National Filipino hospital products company, we merit excellence, and we are firm in leveraging standards in all aspects of our business operations. With this in mind, we established Delex University in September 2015. The Delex University is an internal academic body serving as the umbrella organization for all Learning and Development initiatives of our institution’s most valuable asset– the employees.
As an integral avenue of in-company education, Delex University embodies our primary objective in upholding the organization’s DNA (Delex-Nurtured Attitude) in the areas of developing people, nurturing future leaders, and helping employees aspire and achieve their career goals.
Our platform strongly underpins one of the missions of our company in creating a valuable impact in the industry, specifically among the Health Care Professionals (HCPs) handling critically ill patients. Delex believes that this can be achieved through investing in our people’s KASH (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, and Habits).
Backing the foundation of the Delex University are adept in-house and outsourced facilitators or resource speakers. It ranges from the accomplished managers of the company, renowned local and international inspirational speakers, esteemed Medical Doctors, to distinguished Professors of the academe in the country.
DELEX, is a fast-growing pharmaceutical company. We have embedded in our hearts that knowledge is power, and utilizing it will foster strong relationships and mutual partnerships in meeting the gaps in critical care medicine. Considering that, Delex University continues reinforcing its fundamentals in guiding and nurturing our employees!
Current programs running under the Delex University program are the following:
One of the initiatives of the Delex University in strengthening the competence among the Medical Representatives is its Basic Training Program (BIT). It aims to equip the trainees with knowledge and skills that enable them to engage professionally with customers. This scheme braces the company in upholding its image as one of the trusted and reliable pharmaceutical companies. Moreover, Delex Pharma has been accredited by the Board of Pharmacy under the Philippine Regulatory Commission as a Training Program Provider granting the course of action of the BIT Training Program.
BIT provides a four-week intensive course to infuse its objective to the trainees. It includes training on various Diseases and Pharmacological Management of disorders, which are encountered at the intensive care units, operating theaters, and emergency rooms. The program also covers Selling Techniques and Territory Management, such as sepsis, infection, hypertension, edema, minor or general surgery, etc.
Likewise, every newly-hired employee in the Sales and Trade Department is required to undergo the training offered by the BIT.
Delex has always been generous in providing career opportunities to its people; hence, the founding of Level-Up Promotion. It is an apprenticeship-based training program that provides career growth for all employees. The initiative enables the workforce to achieve a higher level of responsibilities and even the chance to hold leadership roles in the company.
The program exhibits a full range of learning and development support systems, such as leadership and management seminars and workshops. Granting the objective of Level-Up are experienced managers from the Management Committee and skilled external coaches.
The candidates for this program are evaluated based on specific criteria. It involves sales performance, positive mental attitude, potential leadership, and the initial recommendation of the employee’s immediate superior. Furthermore, a candidate is required to undergo screening at the Delex Assessment Center and need to pass the necessary tests.
The course is a master class consisting of nine (9) customized sessions organized into a coherent and intensive in-house executive development program. Learning becomes actualized immediately after the delivery of each course. It enables the participants to interpret information gained into practical knowledge. The program also fosters an individual Leadership Action Plan (LAP) that inspires the vision of participants for a meaningful change soon. While the company believes that managers should have the capability to be a leader in contributing to the firm’s success, their perspective towards the community or society should also be assessed. Thereby, they develop individual skills, especially by using analytical frameworks and relevant strategic tools.
The program also emphasizes its purpose in team innovation that promotes strategic marketing involving sales and communications, which are value-adding approaches critical to the Grand Strategic Plan of Delex Pharma. Hence, the ability to plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate results among leaders is significant to succeed in the master class. As a culminating event, the innovation projects shall be presented before a panel of experts, including the Top Management Officials of the company.
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. It helps people from diverse backgrounds to become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.
Delex Pharma has offered this program to all its leaders since 2013 and has become an avenue in providing leadership training to its employees. It guides them to be an effective and confident communicator, which is essential in the field. Correspondingly, the program promotes and develops the area of self-awareness among the participants.
Moreover, the class is initiated twice a month. All club officers are armed with proper training to ensure the functional execution of their roles. At present, there are twenty (20) active members in the Delex Pharma Toastmasters headed by the Club President, Mr. Noel Omandam.
On September 13, 2015, a scholarship was granted to twenty-one (21) DPI managers in partnership with San Beda University to complete the Diploma in Business Administration program.
Not only do the managers gain insights and expertise from the master class, but it also gives a valuable contribution to the company in achieving goals. It allows the leaders to delve more into strategic action planning.
As of this writing, one manager has graduated from the program, while seven (7) other managers are currently working on their thesis. Interestingly, the thesis aims to formulate strategic action plans to improve one’s departmental processes and programs through the creation of new opportunities. These will increase profitability and even contribute to the improvement of their leadership and management skills in the company.
Part of our calculated plan in nurturing and developing our employees is the initiation of the Organizational Development Program in partnership with Mr. Michael Angelo Lobrin, et al. company, Life Enrichment Consultancy, Inc. (LEC).
Delex Pharma presumes that this platform will be of help to employees in manifesting its core values such as professionalism, integrity, and passion for excellence. Thus, Mr. Lobrin furthers life enrichment among Delexians. He conducts seminars and training that are significant to the Executive Committee in identifying needed coaching for the employees through the Training Needs Analysis (TNA).
In line with these objectives, there are six (6) Basic Modules set to assist in the TNA. Each module has a specific goal that would help define the participants’ specific needs. All employees are expected to attend the training in different sessions.
Nowadays, the mental health of individuals is influenced by various factors. It involves advancing business processes, digitalization limiting human interaction, clashes due to generation gaps between managers and subordinates, increasing performance demands, and many more. To aid these concerns, Delex Pharma instituted a mental health program in partnership with an esteemed Consultant Psychiatrist, Rhodora Andrea Concepcion, MD, FPPA, FPSCAP. She heads the discussion concerning mental health issues faced by employees.
Delex Pharma has long recognized the substance of instituting a mental health program aside from enriching the physical, emotional, and spiritual health of the employees. However, the company believes that the success of the program relies on its acceptance and recognition that common mental health issues are apparent at work. Considerably, the organization takes action in addressing such concerns.
The employees are encouraged to have a consultation with Dr. Rhea via zoom.